Textile Finishing > Representations
Mario Crosta

Mario Crosta

Mario Crosta

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Click for Woven Apparel Group Catalogue.
Click for Knit Apparel Group Catalogue.
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MC-10/20 / Legendary raising machine models with single and double drums, suitable for all kinds of woven and knitted fabrics, working in the width range of 1800-3600 mm.z
Click for the catalogue.

Polaris-24/28 / With these new double drum raising machine models developed for knitted fabric types, which can work in tube or open width, the process quality has been increased and the working speed has been increased.
Click for Polaris-24 Catalogue.
Click for Polaris-28 Catalogue.

Turbo / Our single and multiple cylinder scissor machine models suitable for all types of fabric.
Click for the catalogue.

Lisa / Our 4-cylinder brush machine model developed for woven and knitted fabric types. When you want to provide effect diversity, different brush effects can be adjusted in the form of 2 + 2 cylinders.
Click for the catalogue.

Tuoch / Our drum and 6-cylinder brush machine models developed for woven and knitted fabric types. These models are equipped with special SeamJumper® (patented) equipment for automatic skipping of ball-head seams, thus reducing fabric waste at ball-heads to minimum levels.
Click for the catalogue.

Diamond / Our suede machine model is suitable for all types of woven fabrics. Thanks to the special programming technique, the tangential sueding effect depending on the fabric contact surface can be adjusted automatically.
Click for the catalogue.