Textile Finishing > Representations



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Twin_800 / Our model is used for the tanning and washing processes of wool and wool blend fabrics; It can be used as 2+2 channels independently for different qualities or as 4 channels coupled for uniform quality. All cylinders on which the fabric is processed in our machine are manufactured using Bongossi wood.
Click for the catalogue.

Flexicom / Our 2 and 4 channel models for drying and washing processes of wool and wool blended fabrics. All of the cylinders on which the fabric is processed in our machines are produced using Bongossi wood.
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Flexirapid / Our washing machine model in rope form for wool and wool blend, woven and knitted fabrics. The machine can be used for fabrics of all weights from 70 gr/m2 to 2000 gr/m2. The upper and lower 2 block cylinders in which the fabric is processed in our machine are manufactured using Bongossi wood.
Click for the catalogue.

Eolo / Our tumbler machine model, working in rope form, suitable for mechanical (dry) and chemical (wet) processes, which can be used to improve the handle, appearance and quality of woven and knitted fabric types.
Click for the catalogue.