Textile Finishing > Representations



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TexCoat™ G4 / It is an environmentally friendly and economical alternative to high-cost chemical finishing applications using padder methods. The advantages of the processes performed with the improved jet-spraying technique compared to the scarf methods are as follows;
Much less water and chemical use: With the jet-spraying method, only the required amount of finishing solution is applied to the fabric, and thus, there is no need for operations such as pouring the remaining finishing solution into the channel and cleaning the scarf tub, as in the scarf methods.
Reduced drying costs: Compared to scarf methods, the bathing rate of the fabric is reduced by half and, accordingly, the drying costs are halved.
Elimination of downtime for cleaning purposes: In the jet-spraying method, when changing the finishing baths, work losses are prevented in stenter machines, as there is no need for washing operations as in the foulard tub.
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TexMoister™G2 / Minimum bakım gereksinimiyle tekstilde hassas nemlendirme sağlar. Tekstil apreleme işlemlerinde gerçekleştirilen kurutma ve fikse işlemlerinden sonra kumaşlar genellikle çok kuru olur, bu da kumaşın yumuşaklığı ve elastikiyeti üzerinde olumsuz etki yaratır. Kumaşın yeniden nemlendirilmesiyle doğal nem dengesi geri kazandırılır ve ısıl işlemler esnasında hem kumaş kalitesi yükseltilir hemde elektrostatik yük azaltılır.
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